
Herbs have always been medicine of people; traditional remedies handed down from mother to daughter and used by initiative village healers. In earlier times their property seemed magical and over the centuries healing plants have attracted their fair share of myths and legends.

For people who have no knowledge of biochemistry and pharmacology, the action of many herbs in healing disease could only be described in terms of magic. Cause of illness could not be subjected to scientific scruinity but were often seen instead as invading evils.

Traditional Chines medicine still talks of the six evils which can cause illness –wind, heat, cold, dryness, dampness and too much heat. While our Anglo-Saxon ancestor’s preferred to view illness in terms of elf shot and flying venoms.

Herbs For treating these hailments,often those we would describe as anti inflammatory or anti bacterial , were imbued with magical properties and complex rites were necessary to maximize their potency.

Growing herbs

There is nothing nicer than being able to go to your own garden or window box and sniff a few herbs. Also tend to be more potent thancommercial specimen which may have been stored for many months before sale. Growing herbs is more difficult than cultivating any other sort of herbaceous plants or shrubs and they will also provide a constant array of healing aromas to enjoy in your garden.

Herbs have always been medicine of people; traditional remedies handed down from mother to daughter and used by initiative village healers. In earlier times their property seemed magical and over the centuries healing plants have attracted their fair share of myths and legends.

For people who have no knowledge of biochemistry and pharmacology, the action of many herbs in healing disease could only be described in terms of magic. Cause of illness could not be subjected to scientific scruinity but were often seen instead as invading evils.

Traditional Chines medicine still talks of the six evils which can cause illness –wind, heat, cold, dryness, dampness and too much heat. While our Anglo-Saxon ancestor’s preferred to view illness in terms of elf shot and flying venoms.

Herbs For treating these hailments,often those we would describe as anti inflammatory or anti bacterial , were imbued with magical properties and complex rites were necessary to maximize their potency.

Growing herbs

There is nothing nicer than being able to go to your own garden or window box and sniff a few herbs. Also tend to be more potent thancommercial specimen which may have been stored for many months before sale. Growing herbs is more difficult than cultivating any other sort of herbaceous plants or shrubs and they will also provide a constant array of healing aromas to enjoy in your garden.